What we offer

All our services are confidential, free and safe. Relatives of women and children who are victims of domestic violence also have access to them.

Helpline service

A phone helpline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A counsellor is available to listen, answer questions or support women, relatives and friends about domestic violence.


Shelter services are available to women and their children who are victims of domestic violence. Women are supported in their undertakings to deal with their experience of domestic violence.


We can guide and support women during their steps (courts, lawyers, police services, institutional or community resources, etc.)

Personal meetings

A woman can have meetings with a counsellor at La Traverse Shelter. For women living in the areas surrounding Joliette, meetings can be arranged at a location near their home. It is not necessary to live in a shelter or to have left the spouse to benefit from this service.

Follow-up after hosting

If necessary, after their departure, women can continue to benefit from our services regarding their domestic violence undertakings.

Youth intervention

A youth counsellor is present in the house to offer follow-up and support to mothers and children who are victims of domestic violence. It helps children and teenagers adapt to their new environment; the shelter. She is present to reassure them, listen to them and works to reduce the impacts of domestic violence. She works with the mother to reduce the impact of domestic violence while fostering the mother-child bond. The service is also offered to mothers and their children who are not sheltered.

Group meetings

hese are meetings organized and facilitated by a shelter counsellor. Meetings are for women who are questioning their relationship. Several themes are discussed (self-esteem, communication, etc.). Each of the topics is presented in terms of domestic violence and its consequences.

Information on rights and remedies

We support women in their questioning, guide them and refer them to other organizations and/or professionals who can help them in their undertaking regarding domestic violence. Our services are focused on advocacy and the recovery of power.

Awareness and prevention

We offer awareness and prevention services to groups wishing to better understand the issue. We are also working with partners to improve safety and services for women and their children.

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